These are low level commands in chef, please backup and make sure you can restore before running these commands
if you see the following error message in chef like I did:
chef-server-ctl user-list
ERROR: Failed to authenticate to as pivotal with key /tmp/latovip20191029-14643-1na6z6n
Response: Invalid signature for user or client 'pivotal'
These commands may help you solve the problem:
- Create public key for pivotal user
openssl rsa -in /etc/opscode/pivotal.pem -pubout > /var/opt/opscode/postgresql/9.2/data/
- Get pivotal authz id
echo "SELECT authz_id FROM auth_actor WHERE id = 1" | su -l opscode-pgsql -c 'psql bifrost -tA' | tr -d '\n' > /var/opt/opscode/postgresql/9.2/data/pivotal.authz_id
- Delete pivotal user from postgresdb
echo "DELETE FROM users WHERE authz_id = pg_read_file('pivotal.authz_id');" | su -l opscode-pgsql -c 'psql opscode_chef'
- Insert new pivotal user to postgresdb
echo "INSERT INTO users (id, authz_id, username, email, pubkey_version, public_key, serialized_object, last_updated_by, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (md5(random()::text), pg_read_file('pivotal.authz_id'), 'pivotal', '[email protected]', 0, pg_read_file(''), '{\"first_name\":\"Clark\",\"last_name\":\"Kent\",\"display_name\":\"Clark Kent\"}', pg_read_file('pivotal.authz_id'), LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP);" | su -l opscode-pgsql -c 'psql opscode_chef'
I took these commands from the following issue: